So many things happened lately...some good, some bad, some sad news.
Last weekend, some of my family members (except for my parents and kid-sis) dapat berita yang agak mengejutkan dan menyedihkan. I was shocked walaupun aku dah boleh agak since few months ago. Tapi aku kecewa because I didn't do anything about it. I kept hoping that everything will be back to normal. Unfortunately, it didnt...sigh!
I wish I were there for her when she needed us the most. I wish I were there for her to tell her how wonderful she is to handle everything and yet be very patient about it. I wish I were there to be her crying I wish I could turn back the hands of time. I wish I could be her better sister..........................
The best I could do now, is to pray for her happiness and be there for her no matter what. She's a strong woman. She's a great mother of three precious boys. She's a truly beauty, inside and outside. I wish she could see the way I see her....and, I want her to know how much we love her. We do....
Enough with the sad story...harap semua akan bertukar menjadi lebih baik. InsyaAllah...
Ok, sekarang..different mode.
I feel so pissed off with this one inconsequential person in my office. He's here for a certain period and reason. Meaning, that does not qualify him to go around and tell us that we are doing a stupid and ridiculous job! How moronic he is to came up with ideas yang konon2 nya much, much, much, much better dari our current practise sedangkan he, himself never deal directly with the matter! He doesn't even know how to do his job in his capacity as our so-called supervisor.
You are here because there is no other place could suit you. No one wants you, hence, they sent you here for certain allotted time! Yes, you've been working your ass off for almost 20 years now...but that was in different field of honour! Tak pernah dengar ke....'masuk kandang kambing mengembek, masuk kandang kerbau menguak' which means you should try to adapt and try to do what people here's more to the custom and procedures!!! That is what I'd call RESPECT and ADAB!!! Useless kalau umur meningkat tua, pengalaman luas tapi mentaliti dan adab masih di tahap budak sekolah!
I won't mind if you came and gave ideas on how to improve ourselves. That would be great. But to come and arraigned us for our konon nyer lack of foresight and gave recriminatory remarks...huhuhu, itu sudah lebih beb! You are not doing your job just pretending to know what you are doing. That is so lame!
Kenapa aku amarah yang membara-bara?
Well, he made some nonsense remarks. He told me about how this and that voluptuous girls dressed up and his lovey-dovey stories with this and that women in the past. I was like..."daaa!". Is this what a RESPECTFUL leader would do and talk about during office hours to his sub-coordinates????
And then how he went complaining about my appearance. He said that I should dress up trendy-ly and I should consider dieting so that aku akan jadi cun meletup macam model....he said that i got the height, the face...but i need to kempiskan perut and kecikkan bontot aje. What annoyed me the most was the way he made this sound yang macam orang nak bersiul and geram tengok perempuan tuh! Well, since're a jackass to me. Oh, not just he made this judgment on my way of life. How he made a point that my life must be miserable and bla bla! Masa aku dengar tuh...aku senyum aje. I tried to encourage him to talk more. I wanted to see how far he'd go. He was sublimely unconscious of his stupidity. I ended up spent almost an hour in his office.
Lepas dah cakap-cakap pasal keduniaan ni semua, dia tukar mode kerohanian pulak...on how rezeki semua ni come from ALLAH swt, so don't take rasuah, we must be honest and sincere bla bla bla..."this is not time for you to test and experience everything, this is time for you to make money! I have already have this and that...would be enough for all my children bla bla bla".
Erm...can't you see what a foolish I have to dealt with here? Aku tak tau apa prinsip dia sebenarnya. Maybe dia cuma nak be cool...let us know that we can talk about everything bla bla bla. But to me, that was just WRONG! WRONG!!!
So, is he monumentally stupid or monumentally dishonest? Or maybe a little of each? Or perhaps plain deluded? You be the judge...

This entry is to demonstrate my true disdain for him...
Nota-kaki : Saat kau pamerkan diri kau yang sebenar, saat itu juga kau telah pilih tarafmu di mataku.
Nota-mata : What does not kill you will only makes you stronger! No?
Entri penuh emosi ler pulak jadinyer...mintak maaf for the nasty words used in this entri.
y dontcha jz shut his mouth wit ya butt yg die soh kcikkan tuh...
ReplyDeletemy big ass pun tak bleh kaver mulut nyer yang telebeh juih itu...