Jepun was the biggest-super-power country in Asia, politically and economically.
Sekarang, China is the number-one country in Asia, economically. Jepun dropped to #2.
Politically, China is on the way, climbing...tak lama lagi will be on the top.
Pernah dengar pasal China's 60-years plan? How they devoted their 30-years into economic and 30-years after that into politic? Economic development yang China achieved over the past 30-years is a historic phenomenon and I think Chinese people should thank Deng Xiaoping, their extra-ordinary leader yang launched reform and open-door policy in 1970s and came up with the idea of 60-years plan. Genius, no?

Blah blah blah...go and find buku sejarah dunia/ China or 'wiki' or google it...
Pernah dengar pasal Asian Dragons/ Tigers?
Aku pun tak sure saper dragons and saper tigers. Aku malas google but if I'm not mistaken, *Asian Dragons/ Tigers tu refers to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan and South Korea. Kalau tak silap aku jugak...India dah termasuk dalam kategori ni jugak. And then, there are *Tiger Cub Economies refers to 4 dominant countries in South East Asia (SEA) : MALAYSIA, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand. I know, I know...kita ni tiger cub je, kiut wattt?!
Ok, aku citer sal kuasa-kuasa besar Asia ni next time.
Arini, topik hangat semasa is pasal Korean Peninsula.

So, what's up with both North and South Korea?
North Korea attacked Yeongpyeong (South Korea on 23 Nov 2010).

Preparing for war!?!?!
Another war in Asia? Experienced war in 1950s not enuff ke? How much more your people kena suffer? Erm, I personally rasa both countries pun made mistakes...apehal dengan provocations and all? Well, derang nak perang...perang laa. Bukan ada kena mengena dengan aku pun.

Perasan tak, sekarang semua tertumpu pada Asia. US bersiap sedia China take over their place as world-power. US pun gabra tapi kontrol macho okke. Jepun dah gelabah biawak since few years ago and finally this year, derang tumbang jugak di tangan China.
Kalau Korean berperang, tak mustahil nanti perang sesama negara Asia akan berlaku jugak. Misalnya, China-Jepun, China-India, China-etc2. Semua pun tak puas hati dengan China ekk, pasal disputed territories. Sumer pun China claimed dia punya. Nasib baik Malaysia ni sedar diri negara kecik, rakyat 1/10 jer kot dari China...tak payah gaduh2, kita 'berebut' cara damai hehehe. Baper nisbah tentera kita dengan tentera China? Aku tak tau...
Itu semua kuasa-kuasa besar Asia. Apa jadi kalau kuasa-kuasa besar Asia dok sibuk berperang? Siapa akan sengih sampai ke telinga??
Aku personally bukan nyer excited sangat kalau China take over US. I mean, seriously...ada pro and kon. Tapi when it comes to Asia...I would like to see Asia as a well-respected nations. Bukanlah sekarang orang tak respect Asia tapi I want more than that hahahaha. Aku nak when people mention Asia je, you get the same reaction macam bila ko sebut Europe or America.
Erm, menceceh leleby plak aku ni ekk. Aku cuma nak cakap, tak payahlah berperang. Stop all the provocations. Kalau berperang, susahlah aku nak pegi ber'holiday' to Seoul nanti nak beli keronsang hehehehe...
* Kalau silap, tolong betulkan. Itu based on apa yang aku tahu sahaja.
Nota-tangan-kiri :
Aku memang dah lama nak stori pasal Asia nih tapi tiap kali nak menulis, ada jer menda lain kacau. Aku suka baca buku-buku berkaitan Asia tapi malas nak cerita...kesimpulannya, marilah kita STANDING IN THE EYES OF THE WORLD lalalala~
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