...for every argument that we've experienced, it's nice to know that you've remained composed, and I wanna thank you for the chill in you, especially for you being so cool...
...for all the times I never said the things I should have, I thank you for all the times you understood...
Al-Quran menjawab; "Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah,dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati,padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya,jika kamu orang-orang beriman" Surah Al-Imran 139
Ok, so now is the actual love song... I used to love this song... The lyrics memang betul-betul explain the feeling and everything... sooo sweeeeett...lalala~
That's When I Love You Aslyn
When you have to look away When you don't have much to say That's when I love you I love you Just that way
To hear you stumble when you speak Or see you walk with two left feet That's when I love you I love you endlessly
And when you're mad cause you lost a game Forget I'm waiting in the rain Baby I love you I love you anyway
Cause here's my promise made tonight You can count on me for life Cause that's when I love you When nothing you do could change my mind The more I learn the more I love The more my heart can't get enough That's when I love you When I love you no matter what
So when you turn to hide your eyes Cause the movie, it made you cry That's when I love you I love you a little more each time
And when you can't quite match your clothes Or when you laugh at your own jokes That's when I love you I love you more than you know
And when you forget that we had a date Or that look that you give when you show up late Baby I love you I love you anyway ....
tiba-tiba saya tak mahu lagi bercakap tiba-tiba saya tak mahu lagi meluahkan tiba-tiba saya tak mahu lagi berkongsi tiba-tiba saya tak mahu lagi mendengar tiba-tiba saya tak mahu lagi peduli
today is Monday and i'm still back home in melaka saya adalah tidak tidur semalaman kerana bergayutan dengan seorang kawan.. well, my oh my! it has been quite long since saya tidak tidur malam kerana berborak..
it was good u know...having someone to talk to till sun comes up ('missing old time' mode) plus, adam, amir & arfan ada kat melaka so laggggi laa rasa cam berat nak balik klang.. malas keje pun ye jugak...sy nk resign tp masih belom bersedia untuk melakukannya. i like my current company..it's just that i need to move on and search new adventure (pendek kate, saya sudah berada dalam 'comfort zone' hahaha) di mana saya mendapati sy lebih senang merasa unmotivated dari motivated...if you know what i mean! lagipun, sy perlu move on untuk mencarik jodoh hakhakhak hey but seriously...i have to!
sy akan ada interview in september, a week before raya...soo pls wish me luck and pray hard saya akan dapat kerja itu...cuma satu langkah lagi! chaiyok! chaiyok!
owh by da way, kompeni sy akan bekukan cuti raya kepada semua employees cuz volume extremely increasing...on positive side, it's good cuz that's mean we can keep our current job and hopefully by end of this year (if i'm still there) bonus akan melonjak2...but on the the other hand, sy dulu dh 6 tahun tak raya bersama family...so i can see taking M.C is one of the alternative to melarikan diri hakhakhak...but it is still to early to plan about it...we'll see...
ok... saya mungkin akan bertolak balik lepas zohor nanti... harap perjalanan selamat sampai...a-min
yeay! this week tak ada kelas!!! well, dont get me wrong...it's not like that i do not enjoy teaching children, cuma kadang-kadang i need a break and enjoy myself... if u know what i mean laa kan...hehehe so today, saya dan kawan-kawan saya akan pergi menonton wayang...yeay!
saya mahu menonton cerita yang rilex... supaya saya boleh rilex...ish...dah lama tak update blog... apakah sudah ketandusan?
1) Ofis Mentang-mentanglah lately aku jarang balik lewat malam, suka ati je 'perempuan' itu tambah kerja aku...bukannye aku berkira sangat...tapi bukan ker dah agreed that part die amek and aku back-up mende laen? ikut suka ati aje tau...jgn harap laa aku nk stay back lelame lagik...kalau x siap kerja tu by the dateline, ko jawab lah sendiri dengan jepong tuh...sape suruh pas tanggungjawab diri sendiri kat orang laen? padan muka ko...jangan padan muke aku sudahhhh...hehehe
2) Rumah Eee...rasa cam duduk dengan budak bawah umur....aku perempuan laaa...bukan laki ko yang nak kene jaga semua keperluan dan kepentingan ko! tolonglah berdikari...ni kite baru je duduk hulu...belom lagi ko kene campak kat kota metropolitan (hahahaha mana ehh?) kalau ko buat dependant dengan bf ko ker, laki ko ker...mungkinlah derang akan rasa ko comel cam anak beruang....tapi kalau sesamer perempuan....jangan lah wehh....x kose aku nak layan....nyampah!
What?!?!? Nooooooo! Big Nooooooo! Nobody propose marriage to me tonight. But, I did go to catch 'The Proposal' with J@j@ and @lin@ at bukit tinggi. The movie started at 630pm so we rushed out from the office dengan harapan no one noticed aku tak ada kat meja hehehe...big success!
@lin@ and myself reached bukit tinggi slightly after 6 and terus beli tiket untuk j@j@ skali...unfortunately j@j@ tak dapat melepaskan diri from workloads until 630. so she joined us 'bout 15minutes after movie started.
the movie... me loving it! so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeett... aku siap syok sendiri ok and gelak berdekah2 sebab adalah kerana tiada kewujudan eligible bachelors dalam panggung tuh hahahahaha....so ikhlas ngaku!
sandra bullocks memang the best actress to be in the romantic comedy... i was not a big fan of ryan reynolds before but since i watched this movie... baru i noticed how 'kiut' he is...soooo yummilicious! nyum nyum nyum
sooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeettt...
again, very kiut...
sweet kan?kan?kan?lepas tuh, dah terjadi perangai aku macam zaman remaja dulu...dok syok sendiri and angau sorang2...bile sudah angau...siapa lagi yang sanggup layan 'kesewelan' aku kalau bukan kud3?Jadi dengan gigih aku message kud3 dengan harapan dia akan call aku balik..and he did...thanx bro! tapi aku lagi syok usha gambar from 'the proposal' web...sorry bro!owh marilah kita berangan...nak tidur sambil tersenyumlah malam nih...sambil berdoa dalam mimpi aku akan bertemu dengan bakal suami, bakal bapa kepada anak-anakku, bakal menantu kepada ibubapaku....a-min!(antara ayat2 diatas di ciplak dari doa ms @lin@ :D)